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Aggiornamento: 19 apr 2020

LEICA I standard 1936, welcome home!

It all started 20 years ago when I found a forgotten bag behind a door in my parent's place. It looked like a small photographic bag and, out of curiosity, I had a look inside.

It all started more than 20 years ago, when I found a forgotten bag behind a door.....

An old Fuji STX-2 with a good Fujinon 50mm and a couple of cheap zoom lenses where inside. It was my father's photographic equipment which had been forgotten for years.

It felt like I just found the hidden treasure, a vintage camera, looking to me like top quality, to restore and bring back to life.

Challenge accepted!

I have spent days with the camera user manual trying to figure out what to do with all those numbers selectors and rings, until I got some photocopies (no google at the time!) from a friend with the Holy words of photography: Speed vs Aperture, ISO, depth of field.....The pieces started slowly to come together and one film after the other, one digital after the other, I got back more than 20 years later loading films on a 1936 piece of history, thinking to dust out my darkroom equipment, and looking at my stock of KODAK TMAX growing. Welcome back to the future!

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